El Rincón de los Artistas #59

Hola a tod@s! Abrimos el rincón semanal con un trabajo inspirado en Halloween, de LaurentChokobita. Más arte tras el salto, no os lo perdais! Feliz semana 😉

Chrysalis volando en busca del amor By YohaWelimbergh

King Sombra in a snow storm By seriousdog

OC Marta By VegaNya

The most fabulous skeleton By gatitonyaa

Have a Pony Halloween!! By seriousdog

Nightmare Night with Spike By seriousdog

Oc on Nightmare Night By seriousdog

Run away!!!It’s the werewolf pony!! By seriousdog

Dross juega Luna Game By LightDegel

A new moon is rising By Shikylusion

Happy B-Day Sot! By Shikylusion

The great and powerful Trixie By bleydmaster

Absolute Magesty By MetallicLenneth

A long and magical journey By jencita

OC FyM By EliMicho

Lost in an island (Page 15) By RingTeam

Lost in an island (Page 16) By RingTeam

Discord’s Backstory Part 11 By seriousdog

Celestia By beginerbrony

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