Ya ha salido a la luz el último top 10 vídeos de Jhaller de diciembre, el último del 2014. Como siempre, podéis echar un vistazo a sus vídeos después del salto.
10- Pony Souls by BrutalWeather Studio
9- I Am a Parasprite by EileMontyVA
8- Pinked by Herostrain:
7- Your Adventure Log Has Vanished by Racecarghost:
6- The Unusual Creation by D0ubleRainb0wDash:
5- Bronies React: Rainbow Rocks by ACRacebest:
4- A Very Brony Hearth’s Warming by Viva Immatoonlink Reverie:
3- The Sequel…(Trailer) by Silly Filly Studios:
2- MLP In the Sims – Episode 3 – Lyra and Bon Bon by Yudhaikeledai:
1- Winter’s F***ed Up by AnimatedJames: