While the Pegasus of myth is typically depicted as a winged horse, the pegasi of Dungeons & Dragons have other avian features as well. Their lower legs are feathered instead of furred, and their manes and tails are also of feathers. They also lay eggs, like a bird, instead of giving birth to live young. They mature at the same rate as a horse, however, and have similar habits. They live in temperate forests.
El pegaso real de la mitología no especifica nada que yo sepa.
Además de que los padres pegaso de MLP son los más elusivos de encontrar, exceptuando al de RD, pero quien sabe...
Entonces pongo esto a encuesta... ¿Los pegasos de MLP son ovíparos o vivíparos?
Si son ovíparos, diré que muchisimos fanarts clop de MLP se han equivocado...