Nima escribió:Yo como iba a ir al finde siguiente, este hubiera podido ir a Alicante, pero como decías que no podías porque ya tenías plan, Air...
Ren escribió:Nima escribió:Yo como iba a ir al finde siguiente, este hubiera podido ir a Alicante, pero como decías que no podías porque ya tenías plan, Air...
ES CIERTO! Encima dijo que este finde precisamente no podía quedar porque ya tenía plan, no entiendo a este chico
Pero bueno, esta tarde a habido nano-kdd torrevejense, y a partir de ahora un nuevo asistente para las quedadas alicantinas Bueno, técnicamente dos, porque yo todavía no he ido a ninguna
beginielbrony escribió:era muy divertida esta nano-KDD, lo pasé muy bien y tambien me aproveché para comprarme mis primeras figuritas de ponis ...a 50 centimos extra por la purpurina en el pelo pero estoy muy contento de ellas ^_^
aunque tuve la sensacion de haberme comportado de forma un poco timida/nerviosa/imadura por momentos (espero equivocarme), pero todo bien
Comentarios en Youtube escribió:TheUltimateSeba hace 5 meses
Bronys have the best community /) all the love, tolerance and fanarts are awesome (:
Responder · 118
zero4430 hace 4 meses
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maximelegras hace 1 mes
it's part of the cloppers, not bronies. Asshole.
Responder · 2 en respuesta a zero4430
SBgamer1811 hace 1 mes
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Yes, cloppers are furries, and if you clop, you should not be a brony.
Responder · en respuesta a maximelegras
DiscordChaosGod hace 1 mes
uh... wtf ._.
imma get a lot of shit for this, but as a nsfw artist I feel offended. and I dont even clop ._.
Responder · en respuesta a SBgamer1811
Flynn MacDonald hace 1 mes
I'd have to agree with this, i am offended just because im physically attracted to the clopfics does not make me anyless of a brony. more so a person, I usually do not care about what people think but seriously for a fandom based on love and tolerance there sure is a lot of discriminates
Responder · 13 en respuesta a DiscordChaosGod
PurplePerry127 hace 1 semana
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As I brony myself you can do what you want but my honest opinion is that its pretty fucked up. Especially all that incest stuff about Shining armor raping Twilight and also all that Princess moletstia is pretty creepy to. I just wish clop fic writers put more effort into the storyline rather than ''As Big macs big horse cock went into applejack, big mac let out a horrendous scream of pleasure'' See what I mean?
Responder · en respuesta a Flynn MacDonald
Flynn MacDonald hace 1 semana
*Facehoof* First off i said i clop, i didnt say to what or what kind i just said i clop. Clearly from what you just said you think all clop is nothing but NSFW Plot-less(pun not intended) bullshit. while that may be true for most Clopfics how they have no good storyline the plot is transparent and the characters are either "the penis obsessed slut" or the "pervert pizza guy" that is not true for each and every one of them. not all stories are just sex. Okay ran outa space will cont. next commen
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Flynn MacDonald hace 1 semana
there are stories with a good character development and effort. Saying all clopfics are just pointless SMUT is like saying all soldiers enjoy killing, or that all bronies are gay or that being gay makes you worse then hitler. i mean seriously, where is your love and if not love then at least tolerance. just because you think something is fucked up, wrong,and/or stupid does not mean you should go all preacher on us. if you do that then your no better then the mindless haters that are against us.
Responder · en respuesta a Flynn MacDonald
PurplePerry127 hace 1 semana
Ok, i see, i see, but this whole brony code ''Love and tolerate'' thing is being taken to far. It is natural and normal for humans to dislike or hate something we are not robots that love and tolerate EVERYTHING. Sure its good to tolerate and love people but sometimes we all dislike something. So don't think that because I think most clop fics have no effort and are all about detailed sex scenes does not mean that I don't love and tolerate.
Responder · en respuesta a Flynn MacDonald
Flynn MacDonald hace 1 semana
Thats not what i meant, you said it was "Fucked up" which means theres something wrong woth it in your opinion. what i was trying to say, essintially was "If your going to hate upon something, keep it to your self, or if you dont make a long 10 page essay on why theres something wrong with it." it may be true that humans natural ability to hate or have strong opinions,but saying things like " I think most clop fics have no effort and are all about detailed sex scenes does not mean that I don't
Responder · en respuesta a PurplePerry127
Flynn MacDonald hace 1 semana
love and tolerate." is not tolerating, it's mindlessly hating. and doing htings like that is fucked up, and speaking of human nature, it's im human nature to well f*ck everything, its why r34 exists, if you cannot handle that then this fandom is not for you.
Responder · en respuesta a Flynn MacDonald
MichaelTheBrony hace 1 semana
I would like to announce that this is the most pointless argument I have ever seen, and I argue on YouTube a LOT. Both of you are trying to change each other's opinions. So, that said, I love cloppers. You all make this fandom strong. All bronies that hate cloppers: masturbation is healthy. It keeps your reproductive system running and healthy. What people fap to is their business, unless they advertise to the world they do it. If I see a comment along the lines of *OUT OF SPACE*
Responder · en respuesta a Flynn MacDonald
MichaelTheBrony hace 6 días
*Continued* If I see a comment along the lines of 'I want to f*ck a pony' on a video that has nothing to do with clopping, I'll get mad. Well, more like annoyed. For example: If I see a clop comment on a dramatic reading of a clopfic, it'd be normal. If I see a clop comment on an MLP episode, then it's just uncalled for. That should be all non cloppers view on cloppers, but sadly, even bronies are starting to hate on other bronies.
Responder · en respuesta a MichaelTheBrony
karurosu escribió:En Valencia tambiénAir Beater escribió:No conocía My little Dashie, me dijeron que era muy triste y que lloraría.
Me puse a leerlo, intentando evitar llorar.
Si no fueran las 5 45 am, estaría desgarrándome en lamentos.
He hechado las lágrimas de machote más de machote de mi vida.
co*o, si es que soy gilipollas.
Yo no pude leerlo del tirón, tuve que hacer varias pausas para lavarme la cara y serenarme porque no podía seguir.
Hay una secuela y una trecuela, ambas de distintos autores. La secuela no es tan triste (es un género distinto), sólo lloré en un flashback al original. La trecuela aún no la he leído.
intervención escribió:Spoiler:
McDohl escribió:También hay un comic que adapta My Little Dashie, amen de una secuela de cosecha propia del dibujante (ya algo mas "caótica").
El comic del original es igualmente de lacrimógeno, en mi opinión.
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