"At 611 AP Lucian's ult does 8000 damage if you hit all shots over 3s. He does no damage between ults. The number might be a little high, but I doubt the build is viable."
He continued:
"So here's the highest possible damage numbers I can coax out of AP Lucian:
Dcap, zhonyas, dfg, morello, nashor: 7093
5 nashors: 6845
5 nashors + deathcap: 10486
These are dumb builds, obviously ;P Yes, Nashor's procs on passive (but NOT on ulti), and yes having a 10k damage ult on a 40s cooldown is super scary, but you do next to nothing in between. We may need to tone this down a little, but I don't believe in the AP Lucian build quite yet. Prove me wrong though!
LeviScratch escribió en 27 Jul 2013, 12:43:Lo único que me gusta de que me hagan Instalock, es esto :
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